Friday, April 27, 2012

New Pictures and Big Decision

Hello!  Anybody out there???  I'm rethinking my desire to keep this blog...since it's not really attracting any readers.  I don't really update it often, and I don't really spread the word about it much either.  But never the less, I feel there's no sense in simply re-posting here what I've already posted on my facebook page or on Etsy.  (Both of which I have updated recently. and  I have the link to this blog on my business cards so the new plan I believe will be to eliminate blogger from my list of sites just as soon as i run out of business cards and get new ones.  In the mean time, please enjoy these pictures and if there really is anybody out there reading, let me know so that I might rethink this decision.  Thanks!  And as always, peace!

Chinese Stag Beetle - Glows in the Dark!

Sasha modeling her pretty Dog Collar

Natural Hep Necklace with Jade Beads

Hand-blown glass mushroom pendant by Artist of Glass-X

Hemp Order from ABR

Grace modeling Flower hemp Necklace

Glow in the Dark Hemp Bracelets - 5 colors to chose from!

Hand-painted Peace Sign Keychains

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bryan's Banjo Strap

I created this piece as a special request for my friend Bryan Haddad. It's a hemp, hand-made, macrame banjo strap. It measures about 45 inches in length. I think by far, it's my most proud and detailed work to date.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

Peace, well wishes, and Happy New Year!

Happy 2012 everybody!  I hope everyone had a fantastic celebration and a chance to really reflect on the past year, and the one to come.  You should all be aware that this year has been predicted to be our last.  If you haven't heard this as of yet, well then you must live under a rock!  The Mayan calendar ends on December 21st of this year and is said to mark THE END.  I'd like for this not to be the end!  I mean, I'm young, I've just really started to find my own path in life.  I don't want it all to end just yet.  So I'm thinking, maybe the Mayans, after already extending their calendar so far in advance, got tired, decided to take a break, and resume calendar writing again sometime in the future.  And then didn't get the chance.  I doubt it, really.  But seriously, something is going to happen, I can feel it.  Natural disaster?  Possible.  Economic collapse?  Very possible.  Total world obliteration?  As scary as it may be I must admit that it's also possible.  Still, I think despite the possibility of destruction, there's also still the possibility of good changes.  Maybe the prediction will inspire a change in our general mindset.  This could be the end of the word as we know it now, and mark the beginning of enlightenment.  We can finally see peace!  I really think if we all work together to do good to the Earth, we can prevent our impact from causing horrible repercussions. I think we can also overcome our greed and save our race from suffering.  We can fix our mistakes if we humble ourselves.  I choose to remain with a positive outlook on this year to come and I hope everyone else may be able to do the same.

Now that that's been said, on to the world of Create Peace!  I've seen a tremendous growth in my business this year and I am warmed by the positive responses from my supporters.  Thank you all, really!  I'm setting a few goals for myself to make this year 10x better!

1. First, I plan to expand my display at The Bamboo Eater.  It'll provide better viewing of my jewelry and lead to better sales.  There will be a small cabinet at the bottom for extra storage and more places to hang items near the sides of my shelf.  And I'm planning on building it with the help of shop owner Bryan Haddad.

2. I (right hand raised) promise to do a better job of blog posting!  I've been kicking myself over this, and when it comes down to it, I've just got to sit down and do it.  So my goal: a minimum of 2 blog posts a month, around the 1st and 15th.

3. I'm thinking of starting a newsletter.  An e-mail newsletter on the first of every month, excluding this month while I begin to gather contacts.  It'll have updates on my new creations, a few new pictures, maybe a personal blip, and a bit devoted to creating peace.  My family has been wanting me to stay more in touch so I feel this will be a good way to extend myself to them.  I'll invite friends and customers to join, and it can double as a blog post as well!  If you'd like to be included, send my your email address please!

4.  Speaking of items newly created, I am setting a goal to be more consistent in updating my inventory.  I will from now on, be prepared to re-up my stock, both at The Bamboo Eater and on my Etsy website.  I'll do this by the 15th of the month to equal out the load of my previous goals. 

5.  As my final goal, I will be creating a photo book.  Two actually, one to go with my sales display to hopefully inspire special orders, and the other is to be more of a personal scrapbook.  I've already planned a girls night to have a photo shoot to get this project moving.  I'll be continually updating these books as we move into the future.  And it will also be a perfect tie in to the photo's I'll need to have for other mediums, like my blog and newsletter.  Many pictures to come in 2012!

Well, once again may your 2012 be awesome!  Peace!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Hi all!

I am beginning a new project- a portfolio of my work.  I plan on designing it catalogue style to show examples of what I've created and hopefully to inspire some more special orders.  It'll have tabs for each section...necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pet accessories, etc.  And you'll be able to browse its pages at the Bamboo Eater in College Park, where my jewelry display shelf has it's permanent home!

Shout outs go to Bryan Haddad, owner of the Bamboo Eater, and Will Mick, employee of the Bamboo Eater and also my wonderful boyfriend, for the inspiring idea to create this portfolio.  And to Kelly, my new friend who will be sharing her photography skills in the making of this project.

I am looking for suggestions and helpful tips to make this project one of a kind!


Create Peace

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Earth Medicine

Oh hey blog...there you are!

I suppose I could begin by apologizing and making excuses for why I haven't written in so long.  You know, the problems, busy at work, life in general.  But thankfully I have something more exciting to share!

Yesterday my next door neighbors (really sweet older couple) had a Yardsale!  I found two great books to satisfy some of my recent curiosities for natural medicine and herbal remedies.  Woo hoo!  I have done some sporadic online reading and I've visited our local herb shop called Smile, but I'm still quite a novice.  Smile offers classes but unfortunately I neither could make the dates or the $150 payment.  So, as a great Do-It-Yourself solution, I now have two great books at 50 cents a pop!

The first is the smaller of the two: The Vitamin Herb Guide: Natural Treatments For the World's 150 Most Common Ailments.  Plus - A Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Amino Acids and Tissue Salts.  It was printed by A Global Health in the 90's and is pretty easy to follow.  It's first section alphabetically lists common ailments followed by a list of recommended vitamins and foods or herbs.  The next section is all about the vitamins.  It tells you the difference between natural and synthetic sources, and gives a brief explanation of what each vitamin is, where it comes from, how it can be used, and even symptoms of deficiency.  And I love that its presented in the form of a chart; very easy to understand.  This is a bit more like modern medicine than I was searching for though, breaking the earth's blessings down to elemental form, and going into proper mg dosages for body maintenance.  But we do have a comeback with the book's following section: A Word About Herbs.  It introduces several common herbs and what they are best used for.  For instance, did you know that Dandelion is great for strengthening your kidneys and bladder?  Yes, I'm talking about that little yellow flowering weed that every person is familiar with, whether you are a school child plucking the mature flowers and blowing the soft feather-like petals into the breeze as you make a wish, or you are a dedicated gardener pulling the young weeds from you flower bead while wondering how the seeds arrived there in the first place.
This seemingly pesky foe can actually become a dear friend when it's roots and leaves are steeped into a tea.  It's a great diuretic, a soothing cure for a urinary tract infection, and is a high source of iron and calcium.  And one more fun fact, though this one is from prior knowledge, dandelion is also a natural caffeine source and can be used as a healthy coffee substitute, or ground into a powder and added to coffee grounds to make them last longer.  Getting back to the book though, the last few pages are slightly over my head, discussing Amino Acid supplements and Tissue Salts. I suppose I will learn these as I become more familiar with the topic of natural medicine.  All in all, I'd say this is a good book and will come in handy as a sort of pocket referencing guide of the somewhat modern variety.

I'm more excited however about the second book I found called Our Earth Our Cure.  This handbook of natural medicine was published in 1974 and I love it as a total throwback to the hippie movement.  This one is longer-winded than the first book and offers deeper explanation and insight into these practices.  I was surprised when the book began with the topic of clay as this is something I know so little about.  I remember a time though when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old, my family was visiting my great grandmother at her home in Maine.  I was outside playing in the dirt when a bee stung me on the knee.  My great grandmother brought out a small glass of water and made a mud paste using the very dirt I had just kicked up and applied the paste to the sting.  What I remember most is the instant cooling affect it had, and how quickly I forgot about the pain of the sting and went back to playing.  I imagine this very basic practice of medicine was almost lost around the time humans discovered germs and how essential sterilization can be.  We clean the dirt from our wounds now, rather than apply more.  But this age old practice shouldn't be forgotten for according to the book, "the earth itself, receiving it's energies from sun, air, and waters, is a most powerful healing agent of physical regeneration."  I've learned now that clay may be used externally and orally (dissolved in water).  It has numerous benefits including the power to heal sores and ulcers, aids in the rebuilding of healthy tissues and cells, and even of fractured bones and vertebrae.  Surprising, huh?  The rest of the book similarly covers the use of herbs while recommending a specific infusion recipe for each ailment discussed.  I will not go into such detail because I really would recommend this as a great read.  I would however like to share just one of the many simple recipe's found in the pages of this treasure.  Profound focus is given towards maintaining a healthy liver, as the liver is central to clean blood production and therefore essential to all other parts of the body, so here is an Infusion for Stimulation of the Liver.

Infusion for Stimulation of the Liver

Horsetail 30gr.
Licorice root 30gr.
Rosemary (flowered tops) 30gr.
Woodruff (flowered tops) 30gr.
Yellow Bedstraw (flowered top) 30gr.
Marigold (flowered tops) 20gr.
Mint Leaves 20gr.

Put 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons in a cup of boiling water.  Infuse 10-20 minutes.  Take a cup after each meal.  Sweeten if necessary with some honey.  Note:  The stronger concentration is recommended for an average adult while the weaker concentration can be used for a child or elderly person.

Peace and well wishes,

Create Peace Peace

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Visitor to my Basil

 Yesterday I went out to my garden to bring in my hanging Basil plant.  I made the plant hanger myself, actually!  Pretty proud. I made it macrome style, like I do my jewelry.  But as I went to pick it up, I realized I had a visitor! A Praying Mantis!  Will and I got some really cool pictures, and I have to give him credit for most of the good close-ups.  He's got a steadier hand.  Hope you enjoy this little peak into mother nature! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hemp Shampoo

Looking for a gentle and eco-friendly solution to hair care?  Look no further than Dr. Bonner's Pure-Castile Soap!

You may have already heard about Castile soap on your quest to becoming green.  I first saw it listed in a recipe for homemade shampoo, which I will share with you shortly.  I went out searching the shelves of the beauty isle in my local grocery store for the brand but was unsuccessful.  A really helpful women at Mom's Organic Market explained to me that castile soap is not a brand, it simply refers to a type of soap that originates in Castile, Spain.  It's made of all plant based oils, rather than animal products or man-made chemicals that you can't even pronounce.  And it's completely biodegradable and safe for the environment.  While the traditional method of making castile soap utilizes mainly olive oil, Dr. Bonner's uses organic hemp oil, organic coconut oil, and orgainc jojoba oil as well.  Even the bottle is made from recycled plastic, making me even more confident about my purchase.

Castile soap can be used in a variety of every day cleaners such as hand soap, laundry detergent, basic household cleaner, dish soap, pet shampoo, and even as a lather before shaving.  Today I'd like to share a recipe I came across for Herb-infused shampoo.

Organic Herb-Infused Shampoo

1 cup Castile Soap
1 cup distilled water
1 cup herbs of your choice
5 drops essential oils of your choice (optional to add extra moisture and shine)
Plastic Bottle

Boil water and steep herbs for 30 minutes in the same way you would make tea.  Filter out herbs.  Combined infused water, castile soap and oils in plastic bottle.  Shake well before each use.

I chose the unscented soap so that I can try different herbs for a different scent experience.  You can also find pre-scented castile soap and skip the herb infusion if you choose.  I plan on using rose oil, euycaliptus, and chamomile.  And just a helpful hint when it comes to chosin your herbs, chamomile has natural lightening properties and should be avoided on dark hair.

I hope you consider adding Castile Soap to your green lifestyle!


Create Peace Peace